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Iris Spring Show

We hold our spring show at the peak of the tall bearded iris bloom season. Our show is free and open to the public. The show is an opportunity for you to talk with iris experts. Learn about growing, hybridizing, and displaying iris.

What to Expect at a Show

Trained certified judges within Region 14 judge all entries in the show. There are Horticultural, Educational, and Artistic entries.

In the Horticulture division, growers display iris blooms and bloom stalks for judging. Judging categories include unnamed seedlings and registered cultivars. An entry representing the best form, color and size for its cultivar receives top awards. Judges also look at how well the plant has been grown and staged.

For the Artistic division, we have floral arrangements. Entrants must use iris blooms as the main flower in their design. Each year, we have a variety of floral design categories. Entrants must create their entry at the show.

Judges award placements for each division and category. Placements are for First, Second, and Third Place. They also award Honorable Mention, and Best in Show. Awardees receive ribbons, rosettes, and for some, annual trophies.

The American Iris Society sanctions our show.

Interested in Showing?

If you would like to enter iris from your garden you may enter our show.

We also encourage youth to show the iris they grow. We have a special category for entrants 19 and below.

CBRIS Spring Iris Show